Be Curious, Be Brave, Be Awesome, Be You... the very best version you can be!
Be Curious, Be Brave, Be Awesome, Be You... the very best version you can be!
Each of us can be more resilient, powerful, creative and smarter with much more impact than we allow ourselves to imagine. Understanding, integrating and transforming our conscious and unconscious minds has wonderful repercussions on many levels creating wellness in our lives.
One of the most powerful learnings we can have is to learn how to channel negative thoughts, patterns, habits, emotions and energy into doing things differently. Through taking constructive action we can bring about change that transforms our own lives and positively impacts the lives of others.
What’s happened has happened, it’s what we do next, and how we take action that matters! Deciding to take action, to make changes can be challenging; however, it can also be inspirational, motivational, immensely rewarding and fun!
Middle Balance works with women to bring about transformation and wellness using a variety of modalities. Amazingly simple processes and techniques allow for growth, transformation and wellness.
‘I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become.’
~ Carl Jung

Hi, I’m Sue,
For a long time I have been fascinated by my mind and the minds of others; about how our minds work, the power of our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and their interconnectedness. An exciting childhood spent traveling and experiencing different countries and cultures instilled a sense of curiosity and wonder about people and myself – what makes us be who we are, think what we think, act how we act, feel what we feel, believe what we believe? How, why and when do we decide what is important to us?
As a child my father read the book Jonathon Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach to me, over and over. I never tired of listening to the story about a seagull that saw more possibilities to life than following the ‘flock’. Becoming frustrated with his mediocre existence Jonathon sets out to discover what he can do and become by focusing on learning to fly better, to become the very best seagull he could.
Sometimes that’s what happens to women, we follow the flock, we get busy, we lose touch with ourselves; we settle for a mediocre existence, without truly tapping into our potential. We give away our power, react unconsciously and often settle for what others tell us or live with self-imposed limitations. What if, instead, we choose to set out and discover how to tap into our potential, be in touch with ourselves, harness our power and respond to life with curiosity, self-belief and courage?
What happens? We become more and more conscious of why we are who we are, letting go of negative emotions, limiting decisions and beliefs; tapping into the resources we have within us and applying the learnings to transform ourselves and bring wellness into whatever area of our life is a focus.
Working and involvement in business, corporate, government and sport sectors for many years across various settings including youth justice, education, mental health, community services, human resources, business development and holding leadership positions has provided rich and diverse interactions with people from all walks of life. My fascination with the mind continues to fuel curiosity, provide thirst for knowledge, motivation for learnings; along with being continually amazed at the transformation that we are capable of when we choose to ‘change our mind’.
That’s my passion, that’s what I love … being part of a process that supports you to be curious and brave, to ‘change your mind’, to experience transformation and wellness … to be the very best version you can be!
NLP Master Practitioner
Time Line Therapy™ Master Practitioner
Hypnosis Master Practitioner
NLP Coaching Master Practitioner
Psychosynthesis Practitioner
Through life and our experiences, the mind is influenced in certain ways; sometimes for good and sometimes not so much. Exploring and understanding how our conscious and unconscious minds work together can help us to increase our ability to see possibilities and opportunities; where previously we may have only noticed obstacles, limits and negative emotions. Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy™, Neuro Linguistic Programming and NLP Coaching are incredible life enhancing tools that result in meaningful and lasting change; as well as transforming hopes, dreams and opportunities into reality.
When you make time to slowdown, to stop, to feel your heart-beat, to notice your breath, to calm your busy mind, it is then and only then that you are truly spending time with you, doing you and being you. These are the times, these are the moments when you can break habits, make new choices, stay conscious to your emotional states, be insightful and most importantly gain learnings and understand the influence of the past and your incredible abilities to transform your future.
Through life and our experiences, the mind is influenced in certain ways; sometimes for good and sometimes not so much. Exploring and understanding how our conscious and unconscious minds work together can help us to increase our ability to see possibilities and opportunities; where previously we may have only noticed obstacles, limits and negative emotions. Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy™, Neuro Linguistic Programming and NLP Coaching are incredible life enhancing tools that result in meaningful and lasting change; as well as transforming hopes, dreams and opportunities into reality.
Transformation can take place in many areas and at different stages of a woman’s life. Transition stages can be seamless or challenging as our journey takes us through childhood, adolescence, sexual identity,
education, study, career, finances, relationships, health issues, pregnancy, parenting, career change, career endings, menopause, retirement, grandparenting, the list is extensive!
When you take time to slowdown, to stop, to feel your heart-beat, to notice your breath, to calm your busy mind, it is then and only then that you are truly spending time with you, doing you and being you.
These are the times, these are the moments, when you can change habits and patterns, let go of limitations, make new choices, gain valuable insights, be more conscious of your emotional states, increase motivation and energy. Most importantly, these are the moments when you understand the influence of the past and your incredible abilities to transform your future; simply by changing your mind.
Range of services
- Mindfulness
- Relaxation & Meditation
- Personal Growth
- Professional Development
- Goal Getting
- Performance Enhancement
- Life Stage Transition Strategies
- Healthy Weight Management
- Personal Breakthrough Sessions
What is the cost?
An initial free 30 minute discovery meeting or phone call consultation is offered.
During this time I seek clarification and understanding of your needs and issues.
A cost overview is then provided that is tailored to your budget, timeframes and desired outcomes. For some this may be one or two sessions, for others a package.
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